Friday, July 12, 2013

Day 8: More Pickin', Beach, etc.

So guess what everyone did today? If you said Julia and Brother Peter went to the beach and Dave went pickin’ with The Mayor, you’d be right on track. Isn’t vacation awesome?

As Julia and Peter readied for the beach, The Mayor and Vernon arrived to pick me up to head to Wilmington –home of Michael Jordan, David Brinkley, Matlock, Commissioner Gordon, Alice, Sugar Ray Leonard, our 28th President, a 1979 MLB NL co-MVP, and even the NSA whistleblower and future citizen of Venezuela. Who knew?
There’s not much to report from the Wilmington trip other than it appears a cat is a requirement for all antique stores there. It seemed as though there was a store kitty in every one I entered. Way to go Wilmington.

Eventually we made our way back to Holden Beach to find that they had taken the jet skis out on the water. Since I spent an hour in the water on a previous day, I did not partake of the high-speed watercraft, or in Julia’s case, the moderate-speed watercraft. I did, however, arrive in time to see Payton and Julia disembark in a rather humorous way (aka falling off into the water).

After extracting everyone from the water, we headed out for supper. We followed behind the locals and lost them for a minute or so after Julia followed the wrong black truck and veered right at the fork. We quickly caught up and mile after seemingly endless mile passed until we pulled into an extremely crowded parking lot of a restaurant on the waterway. We were given a wait time of two hours and quickly decided that such a wait might starve and kill us all and left for a Mexican restaurant many more miles away. It was quite tasty and we gorged ourselves on the tasty Mexican goodness until all had their fill. Mmmmm…tasty goodness…

Day 8 also marked the first time that a wireless signal registered for any of us. For some reason, the area around the apartment was a wireless vacuum of nothingness and devices requiring a wireless signal failed to work – phones, laptops, iPads, etc. It was quite the strange phenomenon that really threw a wrench into a person’s blog posting. We unexpectedly get service in the most random places, but the one-block radius was not to be included among them. Hotspots, 3G, 4G, the International Space Station, whatever…it didn’t matter. All were rendered useless to humans. I don’t understand. We send information, photos, texts, emails, and calls to outer space and back from all continents across the globe, yet this small plot in Supply, North Carolina is ignored by the airwaves. Either it’s gremlins or The Dome is not just a fictional TV show and we lived it for several days. What gives cellular providers (since it wasn’t just limited to mine)? I demand answers and restitution.

Anyway, see the photos from the day 

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