Day 4 started with a 2 hour drive to Concord, NC to find the grave of my great aunt, Sarah Jane Johnson Carver and her husband. Once I got there, with the help of more kind North Carolinians, I found that her son, Edgar Carver, and his ex-wife were also buried there. Score!
I drove all that way, for this:

The most interesting thing about this cemetery, which is the largest in the state, is the mass number of flowers on graves. I've never seen anything like it anywhere. It turns out that they offer a service where they place flowers on graves for people, especially those who live out of town. Odd, but it makes the place look cool.

After my 15 minutes there, I made a 3 hour drive to the Fayetteville Motor Speedway for the Cape Fear Fair, my newly found kin...
and, yep, MONSTER TRUCKS. It was $10 to enter and you could ride all of the rides and see very very pro American, pro prayer in schools, anti foreign products shows, such as the one below with various sized horses.
The girl babbling on the Janet Jackson headset, actually said, "China sends over poisoned pet food and poisoned toys. We need to stop buying foreign products and buy AMERICAN! And they want prayer out of our schools. Well God bless you and may God bless America!" And those in attendance went wild. All that was missing was Lee Greenwood and his super awesome comb over.

We walked around for awhile and then the rain came and poured for about 30 minutes and the fairgrounds became a bit of a lake. But they kept it going because of the monster trucks. Of course they did, but it did start a half hour late. It turns out that the new found kinfolk are friends with the driver of the Sudden Impact monster truck, Ben Winslow. We got to go down on the infield before the thing started to look at the trucks and talk to Ben. I took a self portrait of me and Snake Bite...

All I know about monster trucks I've learned from flipping past it on cable (a total of 7 minutes in my life) and the "Truckasaurus" episode of The Simpsons.
Speaking of which, out came Truckasaurus, breathed fire and ate a car. While I never thought about Truckasaurus being real, The Simpsons have never led me astray, so I should have trusted in Homer and Bart.

It was Hicksville, USA to the 10th power, but it was actually better than I expected. Maybe I grew a soul or something or maybe it's just that now that I know that my kin like it, I can't make as much fun of it as I used to. Oh yes I can.
I had to leave before it was over for my hour drive back to Raleigh, so I said goodbye to the kinfolk and made my way back to the Dell for the purposes of the blog.

By the way, I'm not coming home. I've decided to join the CSA and drive a monster truck.
1 comment:
I about peed my pants reading the Truckasaurus post. Only you would notice the Simpson's reference.
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